Monday, April 19, 2010

Brain Meltdown - Again

I guess my busy life has caught up with me again.  None of the filters in my brain are working.  The drapes are closed to keep the room dark and my headphones are on to deaden the sounds.  (Too bad they won't silence the tinnitus too.)  I can't even try to carry on a conversation, and I certainly can't do any brain exercises.  Trying to think makes my brain feel like its shuddering. 
Jim was saying the last few days I've been very high strung, and that should have been a sign to us of what was happening.
So....I'm heading back for my third nap of the day...and rest my brain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hell Mary, neither of us know what is going on upstairs, we just kind of skip over those brain cells. Hey you know duct tape comes in colors now, so when you buy it get all the colors, that way the tape over your mouth, which I need also, will matach your outfit and you will be styling.

God Bless,