Monday, August 23, 2010

Off my Birthday High

After much consideration, Jim and I have decided we're at the wrong end of our lifespan to even think of adding a puppy to our lives.  We both love dogs, and really miss not having one.  However, it dawned on me that these days I'm struggling with day to day issues and meeting the needs of two cats.  A puppy would have many more needs and we don't think I could cope.  I know this adorable little guy is going to find a really good home in four weeks.  This has been a really tough decision for us to make.  I've been bugging Jim for two years to get us another dog!!!  We miss having a dog around so much.  So I guess I'll just have to offer to take my neighbour's dogs for walks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mary but I do understand the circumstances. You can always e-mail me and I can "YAP" at ya for awhile.


HUGS to you