Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving America

The days are flying by.  It's hard to believe its only 28 days 'till Christmas.  I've been keeping busy organizing pot luck dinners, 50/50 draws, and bingo here at our apartment.  I've arranged for our Christmas Dinner to be catered here on December everyone will have turkey for Christmas!  I've even started up a Walking Club at 2pm every day.  So far we can walk outside around our building, but when the ice arrives, we will have to walk our hallways!
Our Christmas tree is up, and our shopping is done, except for some small items for gift baskets.  I take many brain breaks to keep my head uncluttered, and I have lists for all is well!


Anonymous said...

Very well organised ~ Happy Christmas Season to all in your apartments.
Hugs freda

Anonymous said...

Mary, you really have been keeping busy and on the ball. Keep taking those breaks and checking your lists
