Sunday, March 20, 2011

A day in the life of......

Sometimes I really hate being me!  I decided to cook some rice for supper tonight.  I got out the rice cooker and measured out the water and rice then plugged it in.  Twenty minutes later I went to check on its progress, and the pot was barely warm.  I searched on the internet to see if I could find how long these rice cookers take.  Then a light went off in my head....wait....was that the rice cooker, or was it a small crock pot I also keep in the bottom cupboard? Yep....slow cooker!!!  I should have realized my error when I didn't see the measuring cup and instruction book that I keep inside the rice cooker, you would think eh?  Jim says we could label them .... "No Rice" on the crock pot, and "Not Slow" on the rice cooker! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Friend,

Jim has an idea, might work. Hate to say it, but that is why I can no longer cook.

God Bless,