Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Here, I think

Life is certainly rolling on by.  Winter is just about gone, and we're happily looking forward to spring.  I'm keeping very busy at our apartment.  We're doing some spring cleaning now in our common room and organizing the cupboards.  I find between my brain games and the apartment activities I don't have much spare brain power to write in my journal.  I can only spend about half an hour at a time in the common room before the various conversations around me just become a blur, and I know its time for a quick brain break.  It took me fifteen minutes of resetting my password to get in here this time, so I must do it more often before I forget how to do it again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By all means, Mary, I love hearing from you even if it is only a few words. After this winter I am also looking forward to spring. Take care...I will be waiting to read your next post.
