Tuesday, January 05, 2010


According to an article posted on the Alzheimer Ontario website yesterday, (here), "The rate at which Canadians develop Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia will grow from one every five minutes to one every two minutes if nothing changes." 
Very scary numbers!  I would imagine these statistics are as staggering all over the world!  Now is the time to make your donation to the alzheimer society in your area..... or, if you wish to support my WALK, CLICK HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will certainly support your walk Mary.
Have you seen Vicki's blog at 'http://vickisvoice.tv' - Vicki has FTD and I have suggested she looks at your blog here.
Her blog is very moving like yours.
I am off to cook my tea now - 17.18 uk time - we in the north have dinner at lunchtime! How odd is that! And I can't make flatbread!
Hugs freda