Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just Me

I was doing more research on why I’m struggling these days with spiders and bugs of all kinds.  I found this neat information. The part of the mind that controls anxiety has, to all intents and purposes, lost all sense of proportion, and screams `danger!' when the situation is not threatening in any rational way.  No matter how harmless the feared creature may be, for a severely phobic person the fear reaction is every bit as real as if the cause was a major threat. People with phobias usually realize all too well that their reaction is irrational, but this makes no difference to its effect.  This of course also explains my difficulties when we’re driving. My brain keeps screaming danger and Jim and I end up nervous wrecks.  So I’ll just continue to lie down while traveling on my nice airbed, and stay indoors away from all bugs.

1 comment:

karen said...

I with you stay inside away from all the bugs. I have been getting nervouse driving lately. I have to stay with mom so much and for days without getting out that when I get out I want to come home. Help!!! I am hopeless. LOL!